Access Bars®
Access Bars® is a body process for dynamic change, which involves touching 32 points on the head. It is a simple and powerful technique to clear the limitations, reduce stress and anxiety, and to bring joy and ease in your life. At the very least, it will feel like a great massage and in the best case scenario, your whole life will change!
Access Bars
60 minutes/$160
90 minutes/$240
Access Energetic Facelift/Body Process
60 minutes/$160
+ Voyager Counseling
15 min/$33
Voyager Tarot Counseling
The VOYAGER is a 21st century tarot deck created Dr. James Wanless in 1985. VOYAGER encourages you to realize who you are and your potential, helping you reach your goal in life.
Private Counseling
45~60 minutes/$88
Far Infrared & Terahertz (Onnetsu) Treatment
This treatment revives the autonomic nervous systems by balancing the Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, promoting circulation of blood, hormones, other body fluids, and Ki flow. Far Infrared & Terahertz are neither HEAT nor HOT RAY, but warm vibration from the universe.
Private One-on-One
60 minutes/$160
Sacred Activations
Sacred Activations is a dynamic subconscious metaprogramming healing modality powered by the Source God Energy that reprograms your belief systems, emotional patterns, mental constructs, and past conditioning. It upgrades your subconscious programs and will continue to work on you for days, weeks, months. So powerful, Sacred Activations rewrites your brain, changes your subconscious programs, clears negative core beliefs, and upgrades energy frequencies. It taps into your unconscious level.​​
I customize Sacred Activations to the personal needs of each individual, so the price will be advised once this is determined. This modality will be used as part of Life Coaching.