Access Bars® (Currently N/A)
Access Energetic Facelift (Currently N/A)

Access Bars® is a process for dynamic change, which involves touching 32 points on the head. It is a simple and powerful technique to clear the limitations, reduce stress and anxiety, and to bring joy and ease in your life. At the very least, it will feel like a great massage and in the best case scenario, your whole life will change!
<Access Bars>
$220 for repeated clients & teenagers ages 15-17. Younger children are free.
<Access Energetic Facelift>
$280 for repeated clients.
Hatha Yoga

The purpose of Hatha Yoga is to gain knowledge of controlling two energies "Ha" and "Tha": Prana and Apana, Sun and Moon. Hatha Yoga brings the balance between the sun and the moon in you, reaching deep concentration and meditative mind. This is also called "Samadhi".
Private class 75 minutes/$43